Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources
This page will be updated on a periodic basis, so please check back. If you have any items to share, please email them to [email protected].
CANAAC Weekly Reflections
Christian Reformed Church in North America
ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in Canada
Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Reformed Church in America
United Church in Christ
United Church of Canada
United Church of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
Council for World Mission Caribbean
Other Resources
CANAAC Weekly Reflections
- Encourage one another / Anímense mutuamente
- A Transcendent Advent / Un Adviento Trascendente
- The Arusha Call to Discipleship / El llamado de Arusha al discipulado
- That They May Be One / Que ellos puedan ser uno
- Awaiting Advent / Esperando el Adviento
- Could it be that the prayer we are now making has already been answered by God? / ¿Podría ser que la oración que estamos haciendo ahora ya haya sido respondida por Dios?
- Seek Good, Not Evil / Busquen el bien, no el mal
- Much to learn / Mucho que aprender
- What does it mean to be a disciple? / ¿Qué significa ser discípulo?
- Confession of Sin Litany / Letania de Confesión de Pecados
- Stewards of the One Who Reigns Forever / Mayordomos del que reina para siempre
- God’s Garden / Jardín de Dios
- Freedom to serve / Libertad para servir
- In God’s Hands / En las manos de Dios
- Faith, Ethics and Vaccination / Fe, Ética y Vacunación
- Who’s saving whom? / ¿Quién salva a quién?
- The Church and Transformation / Iglesia y transformación
- Open to change / Abierto al cambio
- Celebration and Lament / Celebración y lamento
- Accepting our frailty / Aceptemos nuestra fragilidad
- Work for the Lord / Trabaja para el Señor
- The WCRC and Pentecost / La CMIR y Pentecostés
- Children of the Vine / Hijos de la vid
- In Death / En la muerte
- Prepared for Pentecost / Preparados para Pentecostés
- Carrying Burdens / Llevando cargas
- Whenever God Calls / Siempre que Dios llama
- A Just Recovery for All / Una recuperación justa para todos
- A Reflection on the Derek Chauvin Verdict / Una reflexión sobre el veredicto sobre Derek Chauvin
- God Has Sent Me / Dios me envió
- Easter Joy amid a Pandemic / Alegría pascual en medio de una pandemia
- Fool's Paradise or Faith's Perspective / El paraíso de los tontos o la perspectiva de la fe
- Longing for a “ta-dah!” moment / Esperando por la llegada del día “ta-dah”
- A Pandemic Passion / Una Pasión Pandémica
- Standing with Lazarus / Estar junto a Lázaro
- May God help us to be a community / Dios nos ayude a ser una comunidad
- Statement of Journey / Declaración de viaje
- Remaining joyful during COVID-19 / Permaneciendo alegre durante COVID-19
- Loving Hands / Manos cariñosas
- A New Psalm / Un nuevo salmo
- The Baptism of the Lord / El Bautismo del Señor
- I am Doing a New Thing / Yo hago algo nuevo
- Acknowledging that God is already working / Reconocer que Dios ya está trabajando
- Acceptance, submission, adapting, and clarity / Aceptación, sumisión, adaptación y claridad
- Trust in God / Confiar en Dios
- God's good will for humanity / La buena voluntad de Dios para con la humanidad
- Hearing God’s Spirit / Escuchar el espíritu de Dios
- Joy in a Pandemic / Alegría en una pandemia
- Digging Deep / Cavando profundo
- To Be Rooted / Tener raíces
- Unchanging God / Un Dios que no cambia
- By what authority / Con qué autoridad
- Bearing better fruit / Produciendo mejores frutos
- Let us pray... / Vamos a rezar...
- Our duty of being in Life / Nuestro deber de ser en la Vida
- Lights of Memory and Hope / Luces de memoria y esperanza
- What is your mission? / ¿Cuál es tu misión?
- The Stories We Tell... / Las historias que contamos...
- With Hope / Con esperanza
- Being Church - Change the Paradigm and Be Relevant / Ser iglesia: ¡cambiar el paradigma y ser relevantes!
- Dust and Breath / Polvo y aliento
- An extra dose of the abundant life / Una dosis adicional de vida abundante
- Let Us make man in our image / Hagamos al ser humano a nuestra imagen
- Trauma, Justice, Conciliation, and Community / Trauma, justicia, conciliación y comunidad
- When Our Faith Is No Longer Formulaic / Cuando nuestra fe ya no es más una mera fórmula
- Open Table for the Kingdom / La Mesa Abierta del Reino
- Abundant life / Vida Abundante
- Contagious Praise / Alabanza contagiosa
- Difficult work of discipleship / La dificultosa tarea del discipulado
- Prophecy in the Age of COVID-19 / Profecía en la era del COVID-19
- Social and solidarity economy / Economía social y solidaria
- Justice, Mercy, and Humility the Jesus Way / Justicia, Misericordia y Humildad a la manera de Jesús
- A Holy Kiss / Un beso santo
- Covenanting for Justice During the Pandemic / Alianza por la justicia durante la pandemi
- Singing with Mary / Cantando con María
- Casting our anxiety on God / Toda nuestra ansiedad puesta en Dios
- The Lord is near / El Señor está cerca
- Locked in / Encerrados, encerradas
- Don’t fret or worry! Yea, right / ¡No te inquietes ni te preocupes! ¡Por supuesto!
- That All May Have Fullness of Life / Que todos y todas tengan vida en abundancia
- Looking Out for One Another / Cuidándonos mutuamente
- A Great Debate / Un Gran Debate
- Cross Bearing in the 21st Century / Cargando la cruz en el siglo 21
- Thoughts for These Uncharted Times / Pensamientos para estos tiempos inexplorados
- The Least Among Us / Los más pequeños y las más pequeñas entre nosotros
- The Church Scattered / La Iglesia dispersa
Christian Reformed Church in North America
- Churches Move Forward Amid COVID-19
- Forging Ahead during COVID-19
- COVID and Sundays
- Comfort Food at the Lord’s Supper during COVID
- Gathering Safely for In-Person Worship
- Cultivating Mental Wellness
- Safe Church Amid COVID-19: Resources for Youth Ministry, Social Media, and Online Streaming
- Where Is Everybody?
- COVID-19 Resources
- Churches Find Creative Ways to Worship
- Helping Us Find a Way
- Missional Practices: Coronavirus Edition
- The Coronavirus and the 16th Century
- Top 10 Ways Deacons Can Help During COVID-19
ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in Canada
Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago
Presbyterian Church (USA)
- Vaccination and faithfulness in a time of pandemic
- A shot of hope
- Compassion fatigue in the church
- Stated Clerk urges churches to stay the course on virtual worship
- Then and now: Living in a time of pandemic
- Celebrating the holidays while sheltering-at-home
- Worship in a pandemic world: no singing, no problem
- Breath prayer eases anxiousness
- Church music and COVID-19
- Coronavirus: Faith, Not Fear — COVID-19 resources for churches and individuals
- Creating online worship space for Presbyterians of all ages
- Preparedness for Pandemics
- Resources for prayer and comfort during the pandemic
- Tips and best practices to enhance online worship during the pandemic
- Latest PC(USA) Coronavirus News
Reformed Church in America
- Pastoring through a Pandemic
- Faithward Coronavirus Church Resource Center
- 7 Theological (and Practical) Reopening Resources for Churches
- The Super Basic, Low-Budget Guide to Livestreaming for Churches
- Lament Toolkit: Understanding and Practicing Biblical Lament
- Loving Our Immigrant Neighbors in the Coronavirus Outbreak
- Local Mission in the Age of COVID-19
- Prayer Walking During a Pandemic
United Church in Christ
- Worshipping through Unprecedented Times
- Five Reasons Why Buildings Must Be a Part of The Post-COVID Church Future
- To an international audience, UCC leader describes emerging from viral ‘shadow of death’
- Should Churches Return to Worship in Their Sanctuaries?
- Conversations with John Dorhauer: Karen Georgia Thompson's surreal 3-week experience with COVID-19
- Coronavirus and the Church
- A Faithful Response, with Worship, to the Coronavirus
- Pastoral Care for Grieving Families
United Church of Canada
- Reopening churches during COVID-19
- Faith Communities and COVID-19
- Global Response
- Worship Online during COVID-19
- Tools for Worship during COVID-19
- A Prayer During Times of COVID-19
United Church of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
- Being the House Church
- Thoughts for These Uncharted Times / Pensamientos para estos tiempos inexplorado
- Palm Sunday in the midst of COVID-19
Council for World Mission Caribbean
Other Resources
- Hope, Gratitude, and Solidarity: A Message to Canadians from Religious Leaders in Canada in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Christ is Risen: A Letter to U.S. Congregations from Christian Churches Together, Churches Uniting in Christ, and National Council of Churches of Christ